Why PowerDetails? - For Police Officers and Safety Personnel

Successfully implementing an off-duty program requires careful consideration of all stakeholders involved, especially officers.

For police personnel participating in extra duty work, their priorities include:

  • Jobs being distributed fairly

  • Flexibility when selecting jobs and viewing jobs for which they’ve been scheduled

  • Ease of updating when unforeseen circumstances require them to cancel or transfer jobs

  • Fair and prompt payment

  • The ability to easily track the jobs they have worked and payments received

PowerDetails has recognized these needs and thus developed a platform and mobile application with officers in mind. 

Fair Job Distribution

Officers participating in off duty work seek transparency and fairness in job distribution. The PowerDetails platform addresses this concern by providing the ability for administrators to assign jobs through the use of rules. These rules are based on agency policy or preference and can be set up within the platform to ensure available jobs are distributed in an equitable manner. For example, jobs can be distributed based on tenure, first come first serve, or based on the number of hours already worked.

Flexibility in Job Selection and Viewing

To accommodate officers' varying schedules and preferences, the PowerDetails platform allows officers to view available jobs and select those they prefer to work. Additionally, if they select a job that is ultimately filled by another officer, they remain on the list to work the job if that officer later needs to cancel. They can also set notification preferences in the platform so they do not receive notifications for job postings during their sleeping hours, particularly if they sleep during the day. 

Easy Cancellation and Job Transfer

We understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise, requiring officers to cancel or transfer their scheduled jobs. The PowerDetails platform simplifies this process by allowing officers to easily cancel the job providing the program administrator with a notification ensuring ample time to reassign the job. This flexibility allows officers to cancel when needed yet helps fill jobs hereby maintaining a positive relationship with the community and area business vendors who hire your agency personnel.

Fair and Prompt Payment

PowerDetails also allows for timely payments to officers participating in off duty work helping to ensure officers are paid accurately and promptly. PowerDetails has the capability to pay officers directly or the platform can integrate with the agency or jurisdiction payroll system through the use of an Automated Programming Interface (API). By automating payment processing, officers, program administrators, and agency leadership can have confidence in the system's accuracy and transparency. 

Convenient Job and Payment Tracking

Keeping track of the jobs assigned, total hour worked, payments and invoices is essential for officers engaged in extra duty work. The PowerDetails platform offers comprehensive reporting options with over 50 available reports as well as options to customize additional reports, if desired. Through the various available reports as well as the platform features, officers can easily view their job history, hours worked and review payment records.

Ensuring the success of any extra duty program requires addressing the needs and expectations of all stakeholders involved. By utilizing the PowerDetails platform, officers benefit from a streamlined process that is fair and equitable while allowing agencies to maintain transparency and accountability.

To learn more about how PowerDetails or to get a live personalized demonstration, please contact us

You can also watch an online demo, at any time, by clicking here.


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Why PowerDetails? - For Off-Duty Coordinators and Administrators


Awarding off-duty and overtime jobs to police officers - Who has priority?