Why PowerDetails? - For Off-Duty Coordinators and Administrators

Police agencies often face the challenge of efficiently managing off-duty jobs, such as traffic control and special event security.

Traditionally, administrators have had to rely on cumbersome manual processes, including maintaining physical job lists and manually assigning officers. However, agencies now have access to powerful platforms like PowerDetails, which automates much of the processes thus simplifying off-duty job management.

No More Large Books and Manual Lists

Gone are the days of carrying around large books containing lists of available jobs and assignments with a single point of failure. PowerDetails provides a cloud-based platform where program administrators can easily manage and organize all extra duty jobs. From adding new jobs to assigning officers, ensuring officers are paid and responding to vendor requests, everything can be done with just a few clicks. This eliminates the hassle of paperwork and ensures that the job information is easily accessible at any time.

Use Automation to Increase Efficiencies

With PowerDetails, administrators can set up rules based on your agency’s assignment preference and can assign jobs based on tenure, first come first serve, or hours already worked. Additional rules help ensure personnel are not assigned to jobs in violation of agency policies regarding total hours worked, and hours of rest in between shifts. This is often done through Automated Programming Interfaces (APIs), which allows PowerDetails to securely import information from your agency’s scheduling software program to ensure the most accurate personnel information. 

Fill Last-Minute Jobs Seamlessly

Sometimes, unforeseen circumstances require filling a last-minute extra duty job. PowerDetails simplifies this process by allowing administrators and officers to quickly send job notifications (via text or email) to available officers via the platform helping to fill vacancies quickly and efficiently.

Import Officer Specialty Skills

PowerDetails enables administrators to import and maintain a list of personnel skills, certifications, and specialties as well as various ranks within an agency. This information ensures that personnel are assigned to jobs that align with their expertise and associated rank. Whether it's crowd control, traffic management, or specialized training requirements, administrators can ensure they are assigning the right personnel.

Streamline Officer Payments Through Payroll Integration

Once jobs are completed, officers can easily submit their hours worked through the use of the PowerDetails app including through the use of the clock-in/clock-out feature (if enabled for your agency). Once submitted, the administrator approves the hours worked, and the platform can seamlessly integrate with your agency payroll system, to ensure officers are paid timely and accurately. 

Simplify Invoicing and Vendor Interactions

With the PowerDetails platform, administrators can also easily generate invoices for completed jobs, reducing paperwork and administrative burdens. Additionally, vendors can be granted access to the platform, allowing them to submit job requests directly, thus saving time and enhancing collaboration between agencies and vendors, ultimately leading to improved efficiency and better vendor and community relationships.

Utilizing an extra duty management platform like PowerDetails, can eliminate the need for manual job lists and frantically making multiple phone calls to fill last-minute job cancellations as well as reduce payroll and invoicing errors. PowerDetails empowers administrators to streamline their processes, save time, and create greater agencywide efficiencies. Embracing technology in extra duty job management enables police agencies to focus more on their core responsibilities, enhance officer performance, and deliver superior public safety services to the community.

To learn more about how PowerDetails help you create greater efficiencies within agency or to get a live personalized demonstration, please contact us

You can also watch an online demo, at any time, by clicking here.


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Why PowerDetails? - For Supervisors and Command Staff


Why PowerDetails? - For Police Officers and Safety Personnel